Understanding the Importance of Microbial Balance in the IN.FORM Program

August 9, 2016 namastechris

When clients ask why microbial balance is so key to the IN.FORM program, do you know how to respond?  NSP has put out some great videos on the subject and I devoured them all.  That’s how “sharing” works and my biggest success secret.  Natural health is not exactly common place yet, so there is a learning curve.  I encourage you to really take a keen interest if you are aligning yourself with functional medicine and nutrition.  Why?  Because both share the important common ground of getting to the root cause of a health concern instead of only “symptom stomping”.  As I mentioned above, watch all the available material to help you to formulate the explanation that feels the most natural for you.  For me, I used the presentation from Dr. Joe because it blended nicely with my own story.  I touched briefly on my own history then feathered right into his presentation.  I’ve said it before…don’t reinvent the wheel, just make it your own.


As you learned from this video, endotoxin from gram negative bacteria drives inflammation and in turn insulin resistance. Eleven words. If you are struggling with communicating your message to your clients, please get in touch. I want to help…we have lives to touch. As you learned from this video, we have the system that can help people to build their own health. The current system doesn’t really offer answers in this way…it offers pills. We’re better than that and we want better than that for our clients.
